Most people who have searched for a suitable home based Internet Business opportunity complain about a common illness: They are sick and tired of websites that promote best home based Internet Business opportunities sick and tired of the false promises, the over-hyped sales pitches, and the downright SCAMS that lurk behind most Internet Business opportunities.
If you're new to the home based Internet Marketing opportunity 'industry', test a few websites for yourself. Simply go to the Google search box and type in the Keyword Term "Internet Business Opportunity", using the "quotes" to refine your search. Now click on a few of the websites that appear on the first two or three pages Read some of the content; Click on a few of the Advertised Sites that appear down the right hand side of these websites and read some of the content on these websites. What is your overall impression?
Perhaps you've gone further Perhaps you've bought into one or more of these so called home based business opportunities. If so, are you impressed and satisfied with what you received in return for your hard-earned cash?
The truth is most opportunity seekers are becoming more and more disillusioned by the whole home based business opportunity 'industry'. They are becoming wide awake and more cautious because its so easy to be misled and scammed by Internet sharks.
If you've suffered from these sharks, don't be too hard on yourself. Most serious business opportunity seekers get fleeced, often more than once, by ruthless business opportunity SCAMMERS before they find a genuine business opportunity that suits them. That's because most home based business opportunities fall far short of the hype and promises contained in the websites and sales letters of their owners and promoters. Being scammed seems to be part and parcel of the 'character building' experience that most Internet Business opportunity seekers go through on in their 'school-of-hard-knocks' learning journey.
A Simple Acid Test There is one simple Acid Test you can apply to EVERY home based Internet Business opportunity you come across. It answers the question:
What is the most important part of this 'Internet Business' opportunity?
If the answer is 'the Internet part'' then you would do well to tread very carefully. If the answer is 'the Business part' then you may be onto a good opportunity.
You see, at the core of the Internet Business Opportunities 'industry' lurks a Great Big Lie. Ignore it at your peril!
The Great Big Lie is contained in the words 'Internet Business'. Look at how often most so called 'Internet Business' opportunity providers and promoters use the word business in their sales hype. They try to impress you that what they are offering is a complete BUSINESS-IN-A-BOX. But most of these offerings have little to do with a BUSINESS. At best they are simply INTERNET TECHNICAL AND MARKETING TOOLS that can support your business. The 'Internet BUSINESS-In-A-Box is a sales ploy to get you to buy a few packages of Internet software, ready-made websites, website hosting, and training courses. These are likely to be only add-ons for the real business you will need to create if you are going to make any money at all.
THE GREAT BIG TRUTH is: The BUSINESS IS THE BUSINESS! The Internet is ONLY A COMMUNICATION MEDIUM in general and a MARKETING TOOL in particular for Internet Businesses.
Why do most home based Internet Business owners fail? Because they do not have a viable BUSINESS MODEL from the very beginning. They simply jump into what they are led to believe is an 'easy-money-from-home-cash-machine' Internet opportunity.
How often have you read home based Internet Business Opportunity blurb such as: 'Make $100,000 in less than three months while you sleep. No experience or commuter skills necessary. Simply follow our step-by-step instructions that come with our Turnkey Internet Business-In-A-Box.'
Blurb like this is nonsense! There is no ethical Internet Business Opportunity in the world that can do this for the beginner! Even if you have 25 years of related Business Experience, 15 years of super Computer Experience, and a superb product to sell.. it will take you at least a year to make ANY money on the Internet if you are a novice! There's just so much you have to learn about Marketing alone before you can even get started not to mention search engine optimisation, Adwords, and all the other tools to drive traffic to your website(s).
You simply don't get all of the help you need to start and run a successful home based Internet Marketing business in any 'Internet Business-In-A-Box' package for $495 or even $7,000! We know this because we've been there, we've bought the packages, we've spent loads of time, effort, and money on Internet Business opportunities, seminars, courses, software, products, mentoring etc. And our bitter experience shows that most Internet Business 'get-rich-quick-schemes' are nothing but Scams!
So, use our simple Acid Test before you part with your hard-earned cash: Check out whether or not the enticing home based Internet Business Opportunity really is a BUSINESS opportunity which can be operated effectively by Internet!
Bill Barbour is a marketer and business developer. He and his wife Katerina provide products and serivices that help others to start and develop home based businesses. Their company is called InfoNiche Marketing Ltd. |