วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Next Comes The Corporategiftbasket Fallout Milestones After The Fall Of My House Of Cards Pt 1

Writen by Christine Morgan

Corporate-gift-basket: Getting a Good Job

This corporate-gift-basket is the fallout after the fall of my house of cards. To set the scene, it is March 1988 and today I intend to search for a new job (I lost my last job the month before).

It is my intention to not rush things anymore ever. At the employment center scanning the available offerings I began making a list of the ones that appeal to me.

Next, I got in line to speak with a counselor and took a seat to be called. After a few moments my name was called and was taken to the counselor's office.

Corporate-gift-basket: Finding The Best One

The counselor then quickly scanned my list asking me to see if I am serious and qualified for the job opportunities that I listed earlier. I carefully watched her every move, just like a small child watching their mom baking a chocolate cake (and I do love my chocolate cakes).

I sensed her approval. She then said, "The listing for the assistant manager position just opened today, we will have to schedule you for an interview." I said, "That's great."

Then she said, "Excuse me while I call them." I listened intently at the one-sided conversation began. In the middle of the conversation, she rose from her desk to pull a page from a binder that was on the top of a filling cabinet & began writing some instructions.

At this point, I'm thinking that I am going to be working soon. Positive thinking always helps me to stay focused on the task at hand. She then explained more details about the job; who will interview me, the appointment date and time, where finally she asks, "Are you sure this job is for you?"

I immediately said," Yes, I certainly hope so." She gave me the instructions and rose again to shake my hand while saying, "Good luck." I said," Have a blessed day."

Corporate-gift-basket: Preparing for The Interview

My interview is at 2pm, just enough time to go home have a snack before I go to the interview. Let's see, I'll make a sandwich get some juice and an orange. That'll work. As I was locking the front door and closing the screen, suddenly, my left arm stop working.

Real strange, I have no sensation at all. I unlocked the door, walked into the house, to close the door, and guess what? My arm is as good as new. I then stopped thinking about the arm issue and went to the interview.

This job is an assistant manager position for a construction company (this job is something very new to me). This company will train on the job to ultimately to be placed as an office manager position with all benefits that come with it (pay bonuses and other benefits).

The interview went well. The manager said that he would call me with his decision. This job site is about 10 miles from home. As I was opening the door to the house, the telephone rang, guess who it was; it was the manager telling me that he wants to hire me with all the benefits and pay that I agreed to about 10 minutes ago.

Corporate-gift-basket: Working My New Job

He asked me how soon could I start. As I said earlier, I am not in a rush. So I told him that I could start as soon as next Monday if that is all right. He said that's fine seeing you Monday at 6am.

The idea is that I don't want to get a job that is pushy and making their employees jump through many hoops. That's not for me. I have learned from my last job. Working 16-18 hours a day. The wages is good, but you will burnout ever having enough time for yourself.

After a few months, I got a raise to manager and started receiving manager pay and bonuses. This company was great to my peers and me. With my pay raise, I bought my first brand new car and a real diamond wedding ring with a large stone for my spouse. My new job entails traveling (this I really like).

When traveling, this company gives their office managers a company car, pays for my travel expenses, rent, subsistence & even pays for my spouse and children to fly and visit me twice a month. Things are going more than fine for me.

Chris the owner of http://iflsecrets.magneticsponsoringonline.com/ found and uses this bridge for her marketing fitness. She is more than happy to share this uncommon knowledge to all those that thirst for business longevity.

*** Easy format and rqapid publish this article now: http://myarticleannouncer.com/go/va.php?article_id=923

To view more quality articles from Chris Morgan: http://myarticleannouncer.com/go/vs.php?author=Chris%20Morgan&author_id=moneymagnet

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Dare To Be Different

Writen by Bill Boyd

Adding value to your site, service, or product is one of the most over looked and under rated strategies for improving your internet business.

The internet and modern technology makes it possible for anyone to offer that little something extra that nobody else does, and usually at no additional cost.

Why: First, let's look at why this is a good business practice.

It's a good thing to do because you will make more money!

What: Now let's look at what value adding is!

Value adding is giving surprise high quality and useful gifts. It's giving something that your competitors aren't offering. It's promising the world and delivering the universe. It's taking care of your clients and always providing something that your clients need and want, when and where they want it.

How: Now let's look at the different ways we can do this.

If you receive a free gift from someone when you don't expect it, do you remember that person? Answer; yes usually. How can we do this? Look at the example below for an idea!

If you subscribe to a news letter or ezine, what do you expect? You expect to get what you subscribed for, right? Now imagine that you subscribed for a newsletter that distributes information about Poodle breading in France, and when you open the conformation email you find you've also received a free ebook containing 20 poodle grooming tips and Grandmas secret poodle pampering techniques. (a book that normally sells for $29) Wouldn't that make you more likely to open and read the next issue and the next etc? That's one simple example, but where do you get the ebook from? You make it! If you are distributing a poodle breeding newsletter, you might know something about grooming, or know some people that could help you put together the necessary information. Then you can wrap that up in an ebook cover and then send it around to a variety of sites that will post it for you for free and you can sell on your own site, if you have one. (I can see that there are several more articles just on making e-books, posting them on other people's sites, and setting up a shop front.)

Back to the Poodles! So you can see that by offering this free gift you have achieved several things.

1. You have developed a product (at no cost to you) that you can sell and make a profit on.

2. You have used that product to increase the chances of your new subscriber opening your next email.

3. You have promoted you site/service to other internet marketers that you may wish to do a joint venture with at some time. (see my article on Joint ventures)

Another way to add value for less effort is to offer a 110 percent guarantee instead of a 100 percent.

Another is to make your 20 tips into 30 or more etc, get the idea? It's all just a matter of finding ways that you can give more.

The more you give the more you will receive.

I sincerely wish you good luck and happiness

Bill Boyd

The above article was produced by Bill Boyd as of one of the many training and mentoring projects that are part of the activity based training programs provided for free at: http://www.internetprofitmentor.com Go there now take action! It's free! Over 12 hrs of videos for those Audio/Visual learners.

Using Checklists To Manage Your Business And Eliminate The Quotoopsquot Moments

Writen by Jim ODonnell

Have you ever encountered the "Oops" situation? Ever said "oops" when the customer received a damaged or non-working product, when the price rang up incorrectly, when the bonus wasn't included in an employee's check, or when a quarterly insurance payment was missed? We all have experienced an "oops" situation, and we know how that feels as well as what it costs. Using checklists can help to reduce the number of "oops" moments.

Checklists are a key component of a successful business operation. Utilizing checklists throughout a business leads to higher profits, more efficient and productive operations, satisfied customers, and a better quality of life for you and your employees. This White Paper addresses all aspects of a checklist, from what they are, to how and where to use them, and what benefits you can expect to realize.

A checklist is a list of items or tasks that you "check off" as you complete each item/task on the list. Checklists are everywhere and are an integral part of most activities – both personal and business. In our own daily lives, we make checklists for organizing ("To-Do Lists"), planning (birthday party), prioritizing (bills to pay), shopping (grocery list), and so forth. Business is no different; checklists are essential to an effective, efficient, and profitable operation.

Checklists are used to plan, market, operate, and manage your business because checklists provide an effective means to organize, prioritize, direct, control and measure business activity. Simply put, without checklists there would be chaos. What would happen if each salesperson processed an order differently? Or there was no budget? Or you didn't know what was in inventory? Or what items were already on order? Or who was scheduled to work the evening shift? This not only would be chaotic, it's simply not good business. Checklists are essential to the successful operation of a business.

Let's look at the primary functional uses of checklists in business:

Planning: The strategic plan is a list of goals to be accomplished in the next year, and prioritized according to importance. The tactical plan is a list of action steps to take to meet a particular goal. A budget is a list of income and expenditure accounts and amounts intended to produce a profit. Planning checklists may divide into sub-lists, which, for example, might address store (or office) goals, customer goals, or product goals.

Marketing: The sales (or marketing) plan is a list of targets to achieve. These targets can be sales dollars, unit volumes, growth levels, new markets to enter, or market share. Sub-lists can be developed to address products, territories, major customers, advertising, and even individual salespersons.

Operating: "How to" lists are the mainstay of an efficient and effective business operation. Checklists cover the opening and closing of the store, recording a sale, dealing with customers, packing and shipping, handling inventory, ordering from vendors, depositing receipts, paying bills, and accounting activities. These checklists provide employees with the proper steps, in the correct sequence, to finish a particular task, such as completing an order form. The checklist also ensures that mistakes are minimized, time is well spent, revenue is optimal, and the customer is well taken care of. As for the latter, how would you feel if the clerk forgot to enter the serial number of the appliance you bought and your warranty wasn't in the system? A checklist makes sure that necessary steps are accomplished in the correct order.

Managing: Management uses checklists to report on how well the business is doing (revenue, expenses, profit), how to manage employees (timecards, payroll, performance), how product is moving (inventory, sales, turnover), how customers are being serviced (repeat sales, complaints, warranty service), and measure how the planning, marketing, and operating plans are progressing.

Checklists can be organized in any number of ways and are chosen to meet the specific needs of the task at hand, serve to minimize time and cost, maximize profit, ensure customer satisfaction, and provide meaningful metrics. Some of the more popular ways to organize a checklist are discussed below:

Ordered List: This type of checklist is a list of tasks needed to be accomplished in a particular order. Usually the checklist is numbered, starting at the first task or step, and proceeding to the last task or step, in increasing numerical order. For example, an order process has ten steps, numbered 1 through 10, starting with the order form (#1) and ending with the customer's signature (#10) on the form. The ordered list ensures correct and complete processing.

Itemized List: This is a list of items that need to be addressed, usually with some meaningful information alongside, and is used as a guide or reference. Examples would be a general ledger listing of accounts, a product list, a customer list, a vendor list, a sales target plan, etc. The purpose of an itemized list is to provide a complete accounting or reporting of the information present.

Sub-List: A sub-list is a branch or subset of an ordered list. For the sales order processing example above, sub-lists might exist for handling options on the product being sold, or for processing the type of payment (cash, credit card, check). Sub-lists can exist for almost any of the above types of lists.

Prioritized List: A prioritized list is any of the above lists placed into an order based on some priority scheme. For example, if we organized a listing of all inventory based on size, weight, price, or frequency of turnover, we would have a prioritized list. This type of list helps us to use our time effectively, to focus our energy where it's most needed, and to address the important items or tasks first.

General List: This is any of the above lists with a space for a check mark, initials, or additional information. As tasks or items are addressed, the line is checked or initialed as being done. Examples include (1) an inventory checklist might be a listing of inventory items to be counted. As each item in the list is counted, the count is written next to the listed item; (2) a bill of lading from a trucker would be a checklist itemizing all the items being delivered. As each item is received, counted and inspected, the item on the list is checked off; (3) a procedure checklist is a listing of steps/tasks to take to complete an operation (such as a sales order). The use of a checklist ensures accuracy, accountability, completeness, and efficiency.

The point to using checklists in business is to plan intelligently, market effectively, operate productively, manage efficiently, and make a profit. Through the combination of different types of checklists, used in all the functional areas of the business, a successful and profitable enterprise can result. Let's take a look at the specifics:

  • Intelligent planning uses an ordered checklist to conduct the planning sessions, and develops prioritized, itemized checklists for the plans and goals.
  • Marketing involves prioritized, itemized checklists to help achieve their goals, and ordered lists to carry out the marketing plans on a day-to-day basis. Checklists are used to measure the results of the marketing work.
  • Operations uses ordered checklists to accomplish the many tasks that are part of daily, weekly, monthly or other operations. Itemized checklists are used alongside ordered checklists, to address inventory, parts lists, or options.
  • Management relies on all the types of checklists to accomplish their objectives. Ordered checklists drive the functional aspects of managing, prioritized checklists ensure that all reporting is done, and itemized checklists collect the metrics necessary to evaluate the business and report a profit or loss.

So, how do you make a checklist work for you? Let's follow the six steps below:

  1. Organize: Make a list of items or tasks that need to be addressed or accomplished. For example, a buyer would make a list of items to order, a salesclerk would have a list of steps needed to process an order, and a human resource person would have a list of steps necessary to process a new employee.
  2. Prioritize: Sort the list of items/tasks into a meaningful order, from the first or most important to do, to the last to do. For example, the buyer may group items by vendor and/or by earliest delivery date, the salesclerk would align the order process in the correct order so as to avoid mistakes, and the human resource person would process the new employee through all steps to ensure nothing was missed.
  3. Develop: Create the "check" part of the list by assigning a check box, a space for initials, or a place for additional information to be entered. For example, the buyer may annotate each item with the purchase information (quantity, delivery date, purchase order number, vendor confirming number, and vendor clerk's name), the salesclerk would number the steps in the correct order, and the human resource person would have the new employee initial each step as having been read and understood.
  4. Validate: A checklist has little value if it is not reviewed and tested with the person that is going to use it. If it's your own checklist, you should test it (go through it) to make sure it's workable, makes sense, and it achieves the purpose for which it is intended. With anyone else, take them through it (rehearse it) to make sure they understand what the checklist is used for and how and when to use it.
  5. Apply: Have several employees use the checklist as it is intended.
  6. Amend: As you or your employees utilize the checklist, invariably 'problems' will be found or efficiencies can be introduced. Be open to making modifications, additions, and deletions. Only through change do we achieve the best we can be.

The point to using checklists in business is to operate productively and efficiently, keep costs low, and make a profit. As we've discussed above through examples, checklists can be used in all facets of any type or size operation. Checklists help to organize tasks, manage time, operate more efficiently, avoid excess costs and wasteful ways, and ensure compliance with laws, policies, and procedures. Checklists can be developed internally, can be purchased through a commercial source, or purchased and modified to meet your specific requirements. Purchasing a commercially available checklist that has been tested by many other business owners can save you a lot of time and money. One highly recommended source of business checklists that have been used by hundred's of businesses is available at WWW.JaguarConsulting.com for a very reasonable cost. However your checklists are created, their use leads to a successful and profitable business.

Up to this point, we've talked about the types, development, and the various uses of checklists in a business. The last question is 'Why?' What benefits accrue from using checklists? Let's take a look:

Minimize Mistakes. By using checklists, you stay focused and ensure all steps are processed in the correct order, correct pricing and taxes are applied, correct information is given to a customer, inventory is received and counted correctly, and employee time is recorded correctly. Mistakes are minimized.

Operate Productively. By using checklists, daily operations will proceed in a timely, orderly, and organized fashion, with less chance of "re-do's", less time per customer (or more customers handled), more time to get additional work done, better employee morale, and a belief that the business knows what it's doing.

Advertise Efficiently. By using checklists, the advertising effort will target the customers you want and will give you the feedback needed to fine-tune or re-tune your sales and advertising efforts. This leads to a better return on your advertising dollar and an increase in sales.

Manage Effectively. Through the effective use of checklists, management and supervisors now have a better reporting and communication system allowing them to better observe operations, focus on and address issues, and make changes faster and more effectively.

Reduce Costs. By applying checklists as described in the White Paper (minimizing mistakes, operating productively, marketing efficiently, managing effectively), you will save time and money.

Improve Morale. The use of checklists leads to less stress, more positive feelings, a better informed and educated staff, and an overall belief that the business knows what its doing.

Satisfy Customers. Effectively utilizing checklists leads to customer satisfaction and that leads to repeat business, referrals, and positive feelings toward your business and products, resulting in higher profits and a sustainable business.

Checklists are a valuable and essential tool for any sized business. They provide a meaningful, realistic way to plan, organize, operate, and manage a business and its money, products, customers, employees and results. The effective use of checklists is the key to a well-run, profitable business and for eliminating the "oops" moments!

Jim O'Donnell is the founder of Jaguar Consulting, Inc. of Kingston, NH. He provides a wide array of business development services for small business and has developed a series of self-assessment checklists designed to help small business owners achieve a higher level of growth and profitability. He can be reached at (603) 642-8338, JimODonnell@JaguarConsulting.com, or WWW.JaguarConsulting.com. Checklists that are currently available include:

Retail Store Checklist: WWW.JaguarConsulting.com/retail.cfm

Restaurant Checklist: WWW.JaguarConsulting.com/restaurant.cfm

Employee Benefits Checklist: WWW.JaguarConsulting.com/benefits.cfm

One Month Tune-up; Large Business: WWW.JaguarConsulting.com/turnaround.cfm

Start a Business Checklist: WWW.JaguarConsulting.com/startup.cfm

Selecting an Assisted Living Facility for a Loved One Checklist: WWW.JaguarConsulting.com/assisted_living.cfm

วันพุธที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

10 Conversation Starters For Introverts Who Want To Network Successfully

Writen by Donna Gunter

Many of you know that I'm a card carrying introvert on the MBTI scale (INFP), and as such, business networking isn't high on my lists of things I love to do. Or, should I say, networking as it's traditionally carried out -- big room, lots of people, mixing and mingling over drinks and inane cocktail party-like conversations -- is not my favorite activity. I'd rather have a tooth pulled, I think, than be subjected to this type of networking activity. However, if you put me 1:1 with someone, or even with a small group of people around a table, I have a good time and make great contacts.

However, organizations around the world seem to believe that the "big group" networking is most effective, so they sponsor many of these events during the course of a year. Sometimes you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals, especially as a business owner, and that can be a very scary feeling. Consequently, I have dragged myself, sometimes kicking and screaming, to more of these events than I care to count.

I'm here to tell you that if you never choose to challenge yourself in any way, the success you'll have in growing and developing your business will be slow and stagnant, at best. What you resist most is usually what you most need to learn, and resistance around networking can be tied to lacking confidence in yourself and your abilities, or, if you're an introvert, it can tied to not knowing how to handle these types of events in a manner that's consistent with your personality style as an introvert.

What has made this process easier for me is that I go in with the attitude that I'm seeking to build relationships and find out as much as I can about the others with whom I speak, as I do love to help people out by connecting them to other people or resources that will help them accomplish what they want to accomplish.

Now, before going to a "big group" networking event, in an effort to psych myself up, I think of 3-4 powerful questions I could ask the people there to best help me get to know them and what they do and perhaps lay the foundation for an ongoing relationship. This technique is much more effective than talking about sports scores or the latest celebrity scandal, believe me!

Here are ten questions that I've used to help me begin to develop deeper relationships at a networking event:

What is the product or service your business provides?

Tell me about your ideal client and how I might recognize him/her.

What projects are you working on right now?

How did you decide to go into this business?

What do you find most challenging about (your industry) these days? I fill in the industry name in with banking, computer maintenance, financial planning--whatever is appropriate to the person with whom I'm speaking.

Tell me about your community involvement. In what other professional or civic organizations do you participate and what role do you play in the organization?

How is (some current event) impacting your industry/business right now?

What do you most enjoy about what you do?

I'd love to hear one of your client success stories--how did you make a difference in the client's life or business?

Who would be a good referral for you at this point?

People love to speak about themselves and are flattered when they're asked deeper questions. This technique takes all the pressure off of me, as my focus is the other person. This strategy makes all the difference in the world for me. And, by digging a little deeper with the person, there's a greater possibility that we might find the common ground on which to begin to establish a working relationship. You'll also find that the other person will more than likely want to hear your answers to some of these same questions, so be sure that you've developed answers for them for your own business as well.

So, ye introverts, be not afraid and go forth and network!

Copyright (c) 2006 Donna Gunter

Online Business Resource Queen (TM) and Business Coach Donna Gunter helps self-employed service professionals learn how to automate their businesses, leverage their expertise on the Internet, and get more clients online. To sign up for more FREE tips like these and claim your FREE gift, TurboCharge Your Online Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at Get More Clients Online . Read about running an online biz at our blog, Get More Clients Online Blog.

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Computer Virus That Could Take Advantage Of You

Writen by Steve Dimeck

Do you know there's a brand new computer virus that can get into your computer without you knowing even if you have AntiVirus and AntiSpyware installed? And when you try to get rid of it, it totally wrecks your system.

I didn't know until a few days ago. On Thursday, the 25th of November (Thanksgiving), my computer was infected by a virus that literally took control of my web browser and wrecked my machine when I tried to get rid of it.

Let me tell you what happened...

After we were all done with our Thanksgiving dinner, I went online to do some quick research for my next article. But instead, I stayed up all night battling a virus from hell!

Shortly after I got online, my Norton Antivirus and my adware/spyware removal software Spyware Doctor, started going wild with notifications of a virus presence in my computer.

I immediately stopped doing what I was doing and got Spyware Doctor to scan my hard drive. Before long, it gave me a report about 196 infected files with Trojan and some other types of adware/spyware virus residing on my hard drive!

I was shocked when I saw that. Just the day before the computer was fine!

So then, I spent hours going through the whole procedure of removing the virus from my hard drive - and soon it was clean. Or so I thought...

Here's what the virus was doing:

Everything looked normal. If you don't know much about website development, you may never notice that something was wrong. And that's really dangerous, because anything can happen once your system is infected!

As I continued with my research, I noticed something very strange. Many of the links that I clicked on, led me to one particular website that was filled with hundreds of different affiliate programs and products.

Regardless of what website I would look at, every single website had these links placed on specific key words and phrases, such as: money, internet marketing, data, webhost, home based business, business opportunity, work, and others. And all of the links would take me to this website with the hundreds of products. That was very unusual.

But when I looked at my website, much to my surprise I saw the same links on my site!

I couldn't believe it! The links did not exist in my html. But where were these links coming from?

It's my website. I wrote those webpages! I didn't put those links there. And yet when I looked at the website the links were there.

I called my sister and I asked her if she was seeing the same thing on her computer as I was seeing on my computer. She looked at my website and told me that she wasn't seeing any of those additional links, other than my usual links.

That made me realize that something was wrong with my computer. I saved the file that I was typing for my next article so I could devote my attention to finding a solution for this problem. A strange thing happened as soon as I hit the save button. The file reformatted itself. Hyperlinks were placed on all of the key words (as I already mentioned some) that were found in the file. But who placed those links?

When I clicked on the link, it took me to the same page with the hundreds of products. I got very scared because I felt like I was losing control of my computer. From my previous experience (but not as extreme), I've learned that the virus always stays in touch with the hacker's server, constantly transferring information about my activities gathered from the registry.

This looked like a very serious virus. So I immediately unplugged my Internet connection. This way, the hacker was no longer going to be able to pull information from my registry, and I was going to face the virus without any additional input by the hacker.

But regardless. I lost the battle. For THREE FULL DAYS I tried to remove the virus, but without any luck..

The Spyware Doctor narrowed it down to one trouble file, which was a type of Trojan that existed in my System32 directory. The Trojan was renaming itself every few seconds by randomly selected names.

Norton Antivirus said that this type of Trojan gave no visual indication that my computer had been infected. It was dropping a copy of itself with a randomly named executable file.

Every time the Spyware Doctor would find the Trojan, it was unable to locate it and it couldn't remove it. That's because the Trojan already had a different name.

Also, what I found out was that I was never looking at my Internet Explorer browser. I thought I was, but I wasn't. I found a Java Script that was taking the source code from any website that I would go to, reformat it by adding the links to the selected key words and then display the new code in another window that was being generated by a remote server.

My original browser window was getting killed and I was looking at a cloned window with inserted links. That was happening with such speed that I didn't even notice it because of my fast Internet connection (cable modem).

After I unplugged the Internet connection, my computer was no longer functioning properly. I couldn't access my "windows explorer" window any more, I couldn't open my Internet Explorer window and I lost control over many other functions.

But each time I would turn the Internet modem back on, my computer would start to work fine. Only, the Spyware Doctor would give me a notification that over 40 dangerous files were immediately being downloaded into my hard drive.

The Trojan virus that I couldn't remove because of its re-naming capability was probably staying in touch with the hacker's server. So I switched the Internet connection off for the last time and I shut down the computer.

Right now as I'm writing this, I don't have a computer at home because I gave it to a technician to reformat the hard drive and try to save as many files as possible. I'm writing this from another computer and I'm really worried that none of my files will be saved... that will mean months of work down the drain!

I have since learned that my antivirus and anti-spyware software would not protect me against the Trojan threat. I needed a firewall to protect me, and make sure my computer was invisible online.

Please, don't let this happen to you! Install a firewall on your computer so you can make your IP address invisible to hackers.

As I'm finishing this article two weeks after the virus attack, my Norton Firewall is working at full force. Every time a hacker tries to send Trojan files to my hard drive behind my back, a window in the bottom right corner pops us notifying me of the dangerous executable files being blocked from entering my hard drive.

I lost over 90% of my files but I've learned my lesson the hard way.

© Steve Dimeck, webmaster and author. His recently published ebook "The Success Maze" provides an "Apt solution" (in the words of Neil Shearing) for people who want to succeed online but feel a bit lost in the online "Maze." Free details at: http://www.thesuccessmaze.com

How To Profit From Reading Ezine Articles

Writen by Jerome Dsouza

As a learning base the ezine article is a terrific resource for network marketers but how many of us are able to convert all this free-flowing information into profit, into cash?!?

Not many it seems considering the oft-quoted statistic of 3% successes as opposed to 97% failures for the new online network marketing businesses.

Here are some simple steps you could take to distil the power contained in the articles you read and bottle it into profits for you.

1. Take control - limit your ezine subscriptions.
2. Try reading as opposed to scanning!
3. Stop making 'mental notes'
4. Stop saving articles, hints, tips for 'later'

Here is a major step towards profiting from reading ezine articles. Just one condition though...

You Must Do This NOW!

*Copy and save the article in a 'notepad' file.
*Copy and save BUT do not close the file.

Next, resize this notepad file such that it occupies half your monitor, say the left half. In the right half, open which ever aspect of your online biz the article refers to...web-design, web-copy, web-traffic, ad-headline, ad-copy, whatever.

Now...while reading the article on the left, correlate it with your own efforts on the right - simultaneously correcting, editing, and making changes as you go along.

In all probability you will be surprised by the results of this simple procedure!

Maybe your ad-copy could change right before your eyes as a result of applying the hints you are reading in an ad-copy article.

Or your 'headline' could morph into that 'hypnotic' spell you've always wanted.

Or you could understand how a site layout should include special trigger areas that impel people to buy stuff online and see how your site is lacking that special trigger. (as explained by the marketing guru in the article on your 'left')

Instead of copying to notepad, you could simply resize the article right where it is - in your email program or web page and start applying it to your efforts.

I prefer notepad for it is very easy and quick to use. The stark black and white format with no toolbars whatsoever helps in staying focused on the job at hand and this gets the job done as quickly as possible.

Another thing you could do is take a print-out: This has the added advantage of being able to be read from more 'angles' than is possible on your desk-top or lap-top and one never knows from which angle inspiration may peep out.. A pencil at hand is vital to jot down fleeting brain-waves.

Either which way the results are instantaneous.

Now all those helpful articles, which would normally be scanned and most probably canned...are Saved, Read, Applied! You've not only finished reading the article, you have even assimilated the information.

Approaching the nuts and bolts of an online biz in this simple way indirectly tackles other major obstacles too.

Procrastination for one gets a well-deserved kicking.

On another level, seeing immediate changes in your efforts brings back a host of lost emotions…enthusiasm, optimism, confidence…passion…

The Universe gears up to respond affirmatively to the proper use of intelligence.

Even the spouse notices something's going on!!! :-)

With Finest Regards,

Jerome D'souza

Jerome D'souza, an evolving network marketer feels the newbie's plight - the programs that go nowhere, the raised eyebrows of friends and family, the amused tolerance of an otherwise loving spouse. Jerome feels and offers a helping hand through his website at http://www.freebookongettingrich.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Getting Down To Basics With A Web Site

Writen by Tristan Jud

What is a web site? A web site is a associated collection of web pages on the world wide web, consisting of files that are organised into a hierarchy. Each file/document can consist of a combination of graphics, text, audio video and other dynamic or static material. A website is most commonly used as a communication medium between a business and client or business and business. They can usually be accessed by using a search engine or typing in the web site address or domain name into an internet browser.

56% of businesses surveyed identified that they had already recovered their investment in e-business, with 22% of businesses that have recovered their investment achieving a greater than 50 percent return on that investment.

In July 2003 some 49% of all small to medium enterprises indicated a potential to use e-commerce to sell their products.

What are the benefits? A website is a dynamic and cost effective way to reach new and existing customers, on a local, national or global scale.

A carefully constructed website, like those developed by Able Net Design, can attract the right users and may thus establish the following benefits.

  • Visual Display - Showcase of products services to likely customers
  • Sales - Bring forth additional recenue and greater awareness
  • Information - Supply further information to new and existing customers
  • Ehanced service - By providing a further contact method for customers
Other great facts 68% of all small to medium enterprises surveyed indicated that their expectations for all e-commerce have been met.

32% of all small businesses and 63% of medium businesses surveyed, use the internet for receiving payment.

45% of small and 64% of medium businesses surveyed use the internet to make purchases.

44% of small and 84% of medium businesses surveyed have a web site.

82% of small to medium enterprises surveyed who are connected to the internet search for information regularly.

93% of internet-connected small to medium enterprises surveyed use email as a form of communication.

81% of small and 98% of medium businesses surveyed are connected to the internet.

Source: 2003 Yellow Pages ® Business Index - Special Reports July 2003

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Introduction To Turnkey Websites

Writen by Mark Kenny

What exactly is a Turnkey Website?

Recently many opportunities have arisen which involve turnkey websites. A turnkey website is a fully developed and researched automated website, that is complete ready to go as soon as you purchase it.

It's not necessary to hire a huge team of web developers to setup your website. Or to hire market analysers to ensure there is a market for your website. Everything has already been completed and personalised by the designer of the turnkey websites during the setup of your site.

Turnkey Websites are built around pre-existing, proven opportunities. Opportunities such as dropshipping, ebay trading assistants, clickbank, adsense, amongst others. These are business that people are continually making money online.

These websites make it easy to make money online. They are a massive shortcut into the world of internet marketing.

Turnkey Websites normally come complete with your own choice of domain name and a hosting account. All you need to do, once you've made the purchase is to start marketing the site. A small hosting monthly fee will normally be payable.

Yes, you should be able to make changes to it and edit your site but marketing it should always be your number one priority. The quicker you market your site the quicker you'll receive your first payment or commission.

Mark Kenny is an eBay expert who specialises in launching eBay related turnkey businesses. You can see his selection of Turnkey websites at: http://www.Trading-Web-Solutions.com or read his blog via http://www.Trading-Web-Solutions.com/blog

Canadian Store Fixtures

Writen by Jimmy Sturo

Canadian store fixtures serve the basic function of holding and displaying items in stores. It is an ideal way to attract customers to buy products on display. The fixtures are available in different types, models, sizes, and shapes. You can find them in unique designs and personalized styles. The fixtures can be free standing or fixed. Free standing fixtures are standalone models, and are convenient for stores with less space. Free standing ones come with wheels for easy transportation. Fixed fixtures are placed on walls or floors for permanent use.

Canadian store fixtures are made of different materials; it could be metal, wood or acrylic. Acyclic fixtures are more commonly used because of its durability and ease in handling. Another advantage is that these fixtures are available at reasonable and affordable rates.

Like other store fixtures in the market, the length and breadth of Canadian store fixtures can be adjusted without removing the items on display. There are store fixtures for slate walls and grid walls. The capacities and prices vary with models. Mannequins, gondolas, shelves, racks, easels, display cases, and showcases are some of the commonly used store fixtures.

Canadian store fixtures are custom made according to the specific requirements of individuals. One can design or specify models that match with store furniture, walls, and roof colors. The fixtures are custom made for retail stores, trade shows, and exhibition stalls.

There are a number of manufacturers, retailers, and suppliers of new and used store fixtures throughout Canada. Ontario Store Fixtures in Weston is one of the leading manufacturers of store fixtures in Canada. Located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Eddie's Hang Up Display Ltd is one of the largest fixture distributors in western Canada.

They have over 2500 store fixtures and retail supply products.

Store Fixtures provides detailed information on Store Fixtures, Store Fixture Parts, Metal Store Fixtures, Antique Store Fixtures and more. Store Fixtures is affiliated with POS Systems.

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Business Phone Systems

Writen by Ken Marlborough

An integral part of any business endeavor is to have an efficient and reliable business phone system. Since customer service is the name of the game nowadays, it is important to have a phone system that will make it easy for any company to reach out to its target clientele. An effective business phone system is one that benefits both the company and its customers, so that one can easily get in touch with the other without encountering any problems. A complicated phone system, such as one that provides several automated choices, will surely make a potential buyer move on to another company that is less complex.

Currently, the available phone systems can be classified into three main kinds: KSU-Less phones that are more suitable for small businesses, Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems that are more appropriate for large corporations, and Key systems, which serve as the middle ground for the first two types.

For a start-up company, it is essential that you select and establish an appropriate business phone system. It is important to factor in the size of your company, the needs of the target clientele you want to address, and the allocated budget in putting up such a system. You should also consider your future plans for expansion, whether in the short-term or in the long-term. In looking for a suitable phone system, you can try to do some research first on what systems are currently available in the market. Try to compare the capabilities of each system and their prices. Analyze the options and decide what features are necessary for your business. In order to strengthen your decision, it is recommended that you ask for professional advice. There are information services offered by suppliers of business phones. After doing your research and consulting with these experts in the business phone system, then you can make an educated decision.

For an already-established company that wants to improve its phone system, the same factors are important: business size, customer's needs, budget, and expansion plans. You should also look at your current phone system, to determine whether or not it can be expanded at a lower cost as opposed to total replacement. Again, it is important to conduct research and consult with professionals in the business phone system.

Whether you are starting up your company or expanding on your existing operations, a business phone system that is effective and reliable can contribute significantly to your company's success in creating a satisfied customer base.

Business Phone Systems provides detailed information on Business Phone Systems, Small Business Phone Systems, Affordable Business Phone Systems, Professional Business Phone Systems and more. Business Phone Systems is affiliated with Business Phone Services.

Benefits Of Online Shopping

Writen by Jamie Jefferson

When it comes to shopping, more and more of us are letting our fingers (and our mice) do the walking.

Online sales are expected to hit $211 billion this year. That is a rise of 20 percent over last year and comes just three years after the industry hit the $100 billion milestone, according to the 2006 State of Retailing Online report from Shop.org and Forrester Research. Here are seven reasons it makes sense to shop online:

1. Lower prices. Online shopping can reduce overhead costs in a variety of ways, which can translate to lower prices for you. In fact, one 2004 study found online prices to be 6 to 16 percent lower than offline prices.

2. More savings with online coupons. Many times, shoppers can save even further with an online coupon or coupon code. According to a 2005 Bizrate/Shopzilla report, 71 percent of online shoppers said they were able to find better discount offers and sales online, as compared to shopping through a catalog or traditional retail merchant. Online retailers may issue a button or text link that will apply an automatic savings to your order, or they may issue a specific coupon code to be entered at checkout.

3. Research capabilities. The Internet allows you to easily compare products and prices, so you can be sure that the item you purchase is the exact item you want. Online merchants can publish much more information about their product on a website than they could affordably publish in a print catalog. And online stores give you the ability to share information and reviews with other shoppers who have firsthand experience with a product or retailer. As Internet connection speeds continue to increase for larger segments of the population, these types of interactive features will become even more important. Zappos.com, a leading shoe retailer, for example, allows you to view most shoes from as many as eight different angles, including a close up.

4. Increased selection. Warehousing logistics can be much simpler for an online retailer, and many of the online superstores have a staggering inventory to choose from. Plus, as a consumer, you can avoid the inconvenience of physically traveling among online stores to comparison shop. A simple online search can lead you to the right product at the right price, fast.

5. Convenience. An online store allows you to shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So you can shop at your leisure, regardless of your time zone. This is particularly important for those of us who are limited in our ability to get to a brick and mortar store. The elderly, as well as parents of young children, for example, may have a more relaxed shopping experience in front of the computer screen.

6. Saves time. So much of the vast variety of products and product information is easily searchable. Plus, there is no traveling, parking, and walking involved.

7. Environmental Benefits. Recent studies are showing that shopping online leads to reduced fuel consumption and air pollution, because so much of our car travel is dedicated to shopping. Plus, shopping online reduces the need for print catalogs and excess packaging. And downloadable items purchased online eliminate the need for any kind of material goods at all.

Jamie Jefferson is a frequent contributor to Momscape.com. Visit today for the latest online Coupon Codes including Overstock Coupons

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Phishing Scam

Writen by Samuel Stambler

A lot has been written about all known kinds of scams including "Phishing". But criminals keep on throwing their nets and having quite a good take. Therefore we have to continue exposing the phishing attempts. And since "it is better to see once than hear 10 times" I want to share with you 2 emails that I have recently received.

These are really similar letters (in fact it is almost the same one with tiny differences). The letter(s) are as follows:


1. We were unable to authorize charges to the Credit Card Number you provided.

2. Your Amazon Account will be Closed!

"Dear AOL Client, (Dear Client)

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in our network.

We recently noticed the following issue on your account: A recent review of your transaction history determined that we require an update of your account in order to provide you with secure services.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

You must click the link below and fill in the form on the following page to complete the verification process.



We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account.


AOL (Amazon) Billing Department"

As said, I clicked the link and saw a "secure" form asking for my name, address, credit card details and so on. It is clear that filling out this form would cause me a substantial financial loss. But how do I know that these letters are phishing? Simple: I am not and have never been a client of AOL. And how would l know if it weren't, say, a letter "from my bank"?

In reality, it is very difficult to reveal a scam without special knowledge. But a normal person cannot be expected to know all the technical details. Besides, even a great amount of knowledge doesn't always help to prevent deception. As in O'Henry's story "The Gentle Grafter. Modern Rural Sports", a most technologically educated person can be duped by cunning swindlers playing on the person's primary instincts and emotions.

So I will not elaborate on the techie methods. I would only like to note that the links in the letters are spoofed: in the letter, the "Amazon" link location is in India! What I recommend is to be armed with COMMON SENSE and follow a number of IRON rules:

- Legitimate companies do not send impersonal letters (they know your name/ID, while the phishers - do not);

- Legitimate companies do not ask for sensitive information via email;

- NEVER give your personal or financial information to an organization that you don't know;

- NEVER give your sensitive information if you have not initiated the interaction (since you cannot know who the correspondents really are);

- NEVER send via email your personal or financial information (it is not a secure method);

- Regularly check your bank account and credit card statements;

- If you received a phishing letter forward it to spam@uce.gov.

Be careful !

The Author: Samuel Stambler. Owner of http://www.readerspot.com

Bomb Ten Easy Steps To Blow Up Your Next Big Presentation Guaranteed

Writen by Harrison Monarth

Your next presentation is just around the corner. To ensure devastating impact, just follow these ten steps and watch your career catch fire.

1. Avoid Excessive Research

Research is for geeks and bookworms. Do you really want to bore your audience with a bunch of statistics and facts that they can easily get from the library or from Google?

You want to tell people your version of how things work, not someone else's ideas that have been posted all over the Internet already.

2. Be Spontaneous

Preparation and rehearsals are for amateurs, or actors. By practicing your presentation you only sabotage your chances for spontaneity. Just scribble down a few notes and stuff them in your pocket in case you need them for reference. This allows you to improvise as you go, keeping your talk lively and interesting. People hate predictability.

Plus, by rehearsing your presentation you run the risk of having a bunch of know-it-alls give you unwanted feedback, which may tempt you to make last-minute changes. Do you really want to start over? Remember, this is YOUR show!

3. Always Start 15 Minutes Later

When you go to a 7:30 movie, what time does the feature presentation actually start? Around 7:45. There are usually at least 15 minutes of commercials and previews, to allow people enough time to settle in for the big show.

If this strategy works for multimillion-dollar movies, it will work for you too.

Besides, if you start your talk right on time you'll only get distracted by the latecomers.

4. Calm Your Nerves

To avoid getting nervous prior to your presentation, have a big meal and an alcoholic beverage right before you start your talk. Both will help you relax to the point where you wish you could take a nap. If food and beverages are not available at the time, head to the nearest pharmacy and get some cold medicine or sleep aids. But don't overdo it. All you want to do is take the edge off, not go to sleep.

5. Open With a Joke

People like to laugh. Telling a joke at the beginning of your talk will serve as a great ice breaker. And if they hate the rest of your presentation, at least you made them laugh right at the start. And first impressions are the most important.

If you can't remember any good politically incorrect jokes, pick on someone in the audience. That's what stand-up comedians do. Before long, you'll have the audience roaring and in a great mood.

6. Ignore the Audience

When you finally get up to speak, don't look anyone in the eye. They'll just make you nervous with their constant staring!

Also, if people shake their heads or roll their eyes while you're speaking, you won't get distracted by looking at them, so you stay right on track with your presentation.

7. Use Jargon Liberally

You're the expert, right? You speak a specialized language that only you and a handful of other experts in your field know. You've earned the right to use it. If your audience can't keep up, it isn't your problem. Maybe next time they'll be better prepared and study up on the topic you're speaking on.

8. Don't use Audio Visuals

PowerPoint is the devil. It's complicated and technical and cumbersome to drag around. Plus it adds unnecessary preparation time. And who's going to set it up? What if there aren't any electrical outlets or they're too far from the front of the room? You don't want to burden yourself with all these technical details. Skip the fancy technology.

9. Time is Money

What you have to say is too important to fit into a predetermined time slot. You might take twenty minutes, you might take two hours. If inspiration strikes during your presentation and you think of additional information your audience should know, are you supposed to withhold it? That wouldn't be very ethical. Pack as much detail as possible into your speech.

On the flipside, if you run out of things to say before your allocated time is up, people can get back to work and you'll have directly contributed to office productivity. It's a win-win situation.

10. Leave Quickly

Audiences are infamous for asking questions after presentations, and if you stick around you'll only set yourself up for annoying Q & A sessions.

Obviously people weren't paying attention while you were speaking, so why should you reward them by answering questions that you most likely covered during your talk?

Watch the President the next time he makes a statement to the press. As soon as he's said what he wants to say, he heads for the exit, with reporters shouting questions after him. Does he waste his time? Neither should you. Perhaps the audience should take notes next time.

Harrison Monarth is a Speech Coach whose firm helps Fortune 500 Executives, Political Candidates and Professional from Finance, Technology and Sales convey their message with impact. For information contact GuruMaker – School of Professional Speaking at 866-806-4366 or 720-394-7999. Read his blog at http://www.gurumaker.typepad.com/

วันพุธที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

5 Keys To Choosing Plate Rolls

Writen by E.G. Hellerson

Unfortunately, many buyers end up purchasing equipment that lacks the capability and flexibility to meet production volumes and tolerances, simply because they don't understand all available options and considerations.

Between diminishing factory orders and increasing labor and energy costs, companies that use plate metal in their fabricating processes are finding their profit margins increasingly pinched.

Yet, manufacturers must still invest in new production equipment -- whether to replace obsolete equipment or to take advantage of new business opportunities -- in order to remain competitive.

Manufacturers must make careful assessments when evaluating the addition of new plate-rolling equipment. Debt capital is still available to purchase new machinery, but paying back the loan will not yield a satisfactory return on investment unless the equipment adds value to the production.

In an effort to help manufacturers optimize plate rolling operations, 5 key considerations are offered in order to choose a proper plate bending machine.

1. Work with an equipment dealer that is willing to discuss your specific plate-rolling needs

Customers must know the correct questions to ask, in order to get the correct answers. Each manufacturer faces unique challenges, and through systematic querying an astute sales representative can determine exactly what equipment will work best for their process.

Customers need to discuss issues such as inside diameters, material type, tolerances and the desired shape of the finished product. As an example, some products, such as those found in the pressure vessel industry, demand a maximum of 1 percent out-of-round on their diameters or they are considered defective. By using an underpowered plate roller, too much of a barrel effect can render such a product useless and quickly erase any potential profit margin.

Manufacturers must also carefully consider whether they wish to roll conical or parabolic shapes to take advantage of a broader market. Hydraulically operated four-roll machines are ideal for this type of work by eliminating surface scarring, thereby decreasing the need for grinding the lamination (bullnosing) on the minor diameter edge of a cone.

Accurate conical rolling is further achieved through features such as torsion bar parallelism, as opposed to electronic systems or proportional value systems that merely maintain a theoretical balance. Finite parallelism allows the machine to be adjusted to its full conical tilt and back to parallel in only five seconds.

Matching plate-rolling equipment to the specific needs of a manufacturer requires attention to detail. It is imperative that the dealer you work with is willing to sit down with you and discuss the specific needs of your business. There are many issues that need to be addressed, many of which a purchasing manager may not initially foresee.

2. Factor in the properties of the material to be rolled

A metal's temper and yield strength must be matched with the customer's application to correctly determine the specifications of the plate roller. This is especially important since steel characteristics have changed drastically over the past couple of decades. What was once known as mild steel no longer exists.

Even though drawings call for a plate to be rolled down to the same dimensions, a tougher material will require a much higher-rated rolling machine. In absence of such considerations, defects will result and the manufacturer will end up with excessive scrap.

Today's steel is much stronger and requires more strength to bend. Thanks to detailed classifications by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, countless varieties of steel abound: A36, A516 grade 70, Hardox 400/500 series and AR 200/300 series, for example. And these different steels require varying pressures to roll.

3. Carefully consider bending diameters

All machines achieve precise measurements at 50 percent of the full-rated value. Therefore, given a 1.1 roll geometry, a 3/8-inch machine with a 10-inch top roller can consistently roll 3/16-inch plate to 11-inch ID without any barrel defect.

As a rule of thumb, most machines can roll plate at 1 1/2 times the upper roll diameter. Hence, given a 10-inch-diameter top roll, inside diameters as tight as 15 inches can be obtained. However, new machines that incorporate planetary guides are able to keep approximately 50 percent more area of the plate under bend-pressure during the rolling operation, thereby achieving ratios of 1.1 times the upper roll diameter. This creates a 30 percent advantage on tight diameters.

The tighter the diameter, the more bend pressure required. For instances where thick material must be rolled into tight inside diameters (ID), the diameter of the top roll and the layout of the machine can make the difference between a product whose cylindrical edges meet and one that won't close.

4. Incorporate both side and vertical supports to prevent unwanted bends

When rolling a cylinder, once the inside diameter is more than 200 times greater than the thickness of the material, the weight of the material becomes sufficient to bend the cylinder as it exits the top roll and gets further away from the machine. Without proper support, unwanted radii result.

Purchasing a machine with both side and vertical roller supports easily solves this problem.Some manufacturers attempt to skimp on this ancillary equipment by resorting to "makeshift" support such as a forklift or overhead crane. However, this shortcut ties up the use of equipment that can best be utilized elsewhere. Because it cannot adequately support the material, unforeseen bends can still appear.

Adequate support requires both side and vertical roller-supports, as designed by the manufacturer of the plate-rolling machine. Once employed, plate rolling becomes a one-man job instead of two. This frees up valuable manpower that can be re-routed to other jobs.

5. Stay within ideal operating parameters of the machine

It is recommended that manufactures identify what material and what thickness represent their highest volume of work. Then (a company) can deliver a machine that will camber to that specification, thus conserving valuable production hours and eliminating large amounts of scrap.

Quality rolling machines are usually cambered at 50 percent of the full-rated value of the machine. Hence, a 1-inch machine is cambered to roll 1/2-inch plate at a nearly perfect edge.

Disregarding this important fact can result in out-of-spec product that the customer will not accept. Problems most commonly arise when rollers attempt to push the upper limits of their plate roll. If 5/8-inch plate is rolled through a 1-inch-rated machine, a small degree of barrel effect will likely occur. This may or may not be an acceptable margin for error.

However, when plate thickness approaches the upper end of a machine's rating, then severe defects can occur. Unless corrected with a shim, it will not be sellable. Conversely, when very thin material is rolled through a machine rated for very thick plate, the finished product may come out tighter in the center than at the ends. Again, time consuming shimming is necessitated to correct for this "hourglass" effect.

Robert E. Heller is the current President of E.G. Heller's Son, Inc. For more information about the proper selection of metal fabrication equipment contact, E.G. Heller's Son, Inc., at 800-233-0929 or 818-881-0900, or visit http://www.hellerson.com.

Business Career Advice Stop Feeling Guilty About Time Off

Writen by Paul Megan

Are you sitting at your desk dreamily imagining yourself on a South Seas vacation? Or maybe a rollicking holiday with the family? Or maybe you'd prefer to stay home and watch some DVDs.

Wanting to take some time off shouldn't make you feel guilty. In fact, in her new book, "Time Off for Good Behavior," Mary Lou Quinlan writes that seven out of 10 people fantasize about leaving work for a few months.

What's more, she reports that taking a break can help you feel less burned out. It can help you organize your life goals. Most people don't realize that taking time off--guilt free--isn't as difficult as it might seem.

So don't feel like you're condemned to remaining chained to your desk. Here are six options you can check out:

1. Make a plan. Think about why you want time off. Do you just need a few days to relax? Or are you looking to completely assess your career?

2. Figure out how much time off you'll need to come back fully refreshed.

3. Count your days off. Figure out how many vacation days you have. Add in any remaining sick or personal days.

4. Check out company policy. You may be eligible for a sabbatical with full or partial pay. Or you may have the option of re-entering the company after an unpaid leave.

5. Talk to your employer. If the company doesn't have a policy or spell out the details of flexible time off, now is the time to find out what the company can offer you.

6. Negotiate for what you need.

The point is you shouldn't be afraid to take some needed time off. It may be just what you need to get your life back in focus and prioritize what really important.

Furthermore, if you are a valued employee, your boss expects you to come forward with recommendations that show how the company will benefit from your time off.

Taking the time to spell out your ideas in a way that shows both concern and awareness of your expectations can result in a mutually advantageous arrangement.

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Lock Up A High-Paying Job In 14 Days (Or Less)!" Click on RSS. http://www.fastest-job-search.com

วันอังคารที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

It Service Management

Writen by Jason Gluckman

The Internet has undoubtedly conquered every aspect of the business arena. It is rare to find business offices without computers these days. Practically a hundred percent of the business offices in the United States own computers to process their business transactions. This holds true in other first world countries such as Japan, Western Europe and China. In a simplified concept, the face of the earth is basically connected to the worldwide web that makes business more profitable and accessible.

Information technology is soaring these days. However, connectivity does not solve the entire problem, and it is a fact that cannot be ignored. But, the availability of cost-effective IT service management opens doors for network problem solutions. Internet connectivity coupled with high quality IT service management pave way for an increasingly competitive, technological future for the entire world to enjoy.

The IT department chiefly handles IT service management. It is the IT section that goes through the administration of computer and technology infrastructures to keep the business systems going on the right track. Moreover, the IT department is usually referred to as the Management Information Systems division.

A real efficient IT service management team can only be possible if the IT department is has competent specialists who assist in the areas of end-user technical support, network management, desktop management, business applications, voice and data communications and strategic planning. No one can perform the maintenance tasks in these arenas but skilled IT experts. IT-related businesses are in-demand in the world, so IT service management must meet the needs and wants of the proprietors by solely providing solutions to network and technical problems.

It proves effective to partner with an ever ready IT service management team that is able to provide the minimization of downtime and assign personnel who can solve technological issues. Moreover, with proper IT service management, not only the organization's customer service is improved, but also the cost efficiency, business strategies and top-notch, service quality.

Service Management provides detailed information on Food Service Management, Service Management, IT Service Management, Service Management Software and more. Service Management is affiliated with Project Management Training.

Do Your Homework Before You Create Your Product

Writen by Tamra Forde

Here's another great idea that the gurus are using to create high profit online products.

It's called an 'ask page' and is designed to let the potential customers tell you what they want to buy.

For example: If you were going to write an ebook about growing vegetables, why not put up a page, asking your potential customer what would be their number one question about growing vegetables.

Take your top 30 questions and use them as the bases of your product.

Now assuming you don't know diddly about growing vegetables. What you do is...get someone who does know about growing vegetables, to write an e book for you!

Now you might be wondering, who that might be? Easy! Just go to www.elance.com and get someone to do it for you. This is a website where people reverse bid to do the work for you.

This means they bid to the lowest price to see who will get the job.

How Good Is That?

People are willing to pay money for products that answer common questions about topics they are interested in.

· Bird watchers will buy an e-book that helps them find more birds.

· Aspiring musicians will pay for books that will help them learn how to play their favorite instrument.

· Job seekers will buy e-books telling them how to find a new career.

The problem is that most of us are not experts in lots of subjects and don't know what a potential consumer wants to know. That is where the market research comes in.

You can build a page dedicated to asking potential customers what they want to know and then use their information to create your product.

It's that simple and easy!

Try it our before you think you have great idea and you fall in love with your product because most times people really don't love your product like you do!

Tamra Forde
Director of Marketing
Freedom Business Opportunity

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Most Overlooked Principle To Getting Venture Capital

Writen by Abe Cherian

Venture capital is a possible source of funding for new relatively unproven enterprises that appear to have promising futures. However, such money is often hard to come by.

Be realistic in your quest for venture capital. Venture capital firms expect a business to be able to return their investment not only with interest, but with a large profit.

Many venture capital firms are affiliated with banks, insurance companies, other financial institutions and large corporations.

Some are owned by individuals or private groups of investors and a few are publicly held. Once you accept venture capital, you have relinquished some of your autonomy and accepted the understanding that the venture capital firm will take a large share of the profits you earn.

As an entrepreneur, you should understand the nature of a vendor firm, before pursuing this as a financing source. This type of investor expects a projected return on investment that is directly related to risk. The greater the risk, the greater the return expected.

Typically however, an investment firm will not be interested in getting involved with a new firm until the business has established itself in some way, so the risk factor can be determined.

The venture capital firm and its interest usually depends upon the stage of the new firm's development. Once the new firm has established itself and has a working organizational structure, a viable business plan and start up arrangement, a venture capital firm may be interested.

However, some firms prefer a later stage of new business development, perhaps when the new company is in its second or third round growth state and needs more capital either to carry out expansion plans or to tide it over until a merger or public offering carries it to the next stage of corporate growth.

A company's business plan serves as the primary analytical tool for the venture capitalist. In analyzing the plan, a venture capital firm would most likely focus on three features.

The product or service. Investors seek product or service innovations that give the company a strong competitive advantage. A new idea, backed by market surveys (measuring the appeal of the product or service and its potential market) may be tempting to such investors. Management capability.

No matter how good the product or how innovative the service, the quality and experience of the management is a key factor in the success of the business.

The astute investor is well aware of this and looks for solid evidence of such skill. The industry's growth. Investors also want to be sure that the product or service is in a growth field. A significant or revolutionary product improvement, by itself, may not have appeal in a declining product or service category.

Most venture capitalists purchase common or convertible stock rather than burden the fledgling enterprise with interest payments on debt or debentures. They may possibly want more than 50 percent ownership.

Additionally, while the venture capitalists may insist on sitting on the Board of Directors or offering management and technical advice, they are rarely interested in the day-to-day management of the business, unless its survival and their investment is at stake.

Keep in mind that the minimum investment is generally from $50,000-$500,000, but investment ceilings are almost unlimited.

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Abe Cherian's online automation system has helped thousands of marketers online build, manage and grow their business. Learn how it can benefit you too. http://www.imediatools.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Sole Proprietorship Partnership Or Corporation

Writen by Paul Taylor

Starting a new business can be a daunting task. There are hundreds of decisions to be made. Who, what, where, and when are not just for English class anymore. Another question that must be answered is "What form will my business be?" There are several factors to be considered and there are pros and cons for each type. In this article, I will try to briefly explain the differences between the business forms.

  • Sole Proprietorship: Most people are familiar with this type of business. This form is one person or married couple that usually operate the business by themselves. This is the "Mom and Pop" type of store. The owner receives all of the income from the business but is also responsible for all for the liabilities that the business incurs. The income or loss is also reported on the personal income tax of the owner. Most small businesses are started as this form of business. This is the easiest of all of the types of businesses to open.
  • General Partnership: In this type of business organization, there are two or more partners. The income is split between the partners, usually based on the amount of money or assets that each partner invests in the business and each must report his share of the income on his personal income tax form. Each of the partners have unlimited liability for the debts of the business partnership. Another drawback to this type is problems can arise between the partners. However, sometimes another opinion in a decision is just what a business needs.
  • Limited Partnership: A limited partnership is similar to the general partnership. All of the general partners have an unlimited liability for the business debts. However, a limited partners liability, as the name implies, is limited to the amount of the contribution that he has made to the business. Usually, a limited partner does not have as much input as the other partners and like the other partnerships must report income on personal tax forms.
  • Corporations: A Corporation is usually viewed as a separate legal entity with many of the rights and responsibilities of a person. The investors have limited liability; shareholders are not responsible for the corporation's debts. The corporation files its taxes just like an individual. If the corporation makes a profit and distributes dividends, it cannot deduct the dividends from its taxes and the individual recipients must also pay taxes. Therefore, a corporation is taxed twice on its earnings. A corporation has other tax benefits that an individual does not.
  • "S" Corporation: An "S" corporation provides the owners the benefit of being treated as a partnership on income tax, while also being treated as a corporation for other purposes.
  • Limited Liability (LLC): All of the members in a limited liability company have limited liability for the debts of the business. This form of business is similar to an "S" corporation because it is usually treated as a partnership for income tax purposes, but has the benefit of limiting the liabilities of the owners.

This is a brief description of the types of business that can be operated. Each of them has many more variations that are not present in this article and an attorney should be consulted to aid you in your decision. Each form has its benefits and drawbacks and the decision should be weighed carefully.

Although corporations allow limited liability to the principals, many creditors such as banks, other companies, and landlords may require a personal guarantee from the shareholders. A partnership may be a good decision; although, one of the partners may be dealing with a "hard head."

Take your time to weigh the pros and cons of each type of business and pick the one that is right for you.

Paul Taylor is a business owner that helps other business owners and entrepreneurs locate wholesale distributors for their business. Visit his website http://www.WholesaleMap.com for your wholesale needs or for more information about starting a business.

Franchise Rule Making And Political Climate

Writen by Lance Winslow

Last Summer the Federal Trade Commission put forth a report for the Franchise Industry; 432 pages of study. This report asks Franchise Industry participants to comment on only certain aspects of franchising which were addressed between 1995 to 1999. It is good to see that the FTC is finally doing something after 10-years of sitting on their rear ends with a stick up their butts, however one has to ask what about the issues between 1999 and 2005. Thus this exercise is completely flawed if it's goal is to bring the franchise rule up to date with consideration to the newest technologies of today in 2005. The process was also started during the ned of an election cycle. They should have known then that when Bush was re-elected it was quite conceivable that there would be a downsizing in government due to Federal debt loads as well as a downsizing of staff.

The expanding market will pick up those who are willing to put in an honest days work in the real world. So, then we need to look at simplifying the process to run more efficiently at the Federal Trade Commission with fewer people, since they will be out on the street, which is where they should be after terrorizing American Businesses and Franchisors. The easiest way to do this is to make the rules simple for less unnecessary opinions, case filings and regulatory oversight at the Federal Trade Commission, since there are other more important things to work on.

If Kerry were elected there is no doubt that larger businesses would call for more domestic and international protection of their markets and less regulation, thus more exemptions for larger corporations. The comments in this report reflecting million dollar accredited investors or sophisticated and knowledgeable investors would be very apropos to a Kerry Administration judging by his senatorial voting record. This would also mean these rules we are discussing now will continue into the next period in a political climate calling for less regulation not more.

Either way the FTC Franchising Division knew or should have known that the near future trend will be less government spending and less regulation. The country cannot survive and prosper borrowing two-billion dollars per week with consumer and capital money flows going out of the country at this rate due to greener pastures for manufacturing, outsourcing and investment for relief from over regulation and future unanticipated taxation.

The Federal Trade Commission has no business meddling with the franchising industry as there are no real issues in franchising of any significance hurting consumers; fraud is non-existent. John Edwards if he became the Vice President might like to see more trial lawyer suits to command presence and there would have been a switch from government control of law or referee scenarios of the game to controlling by private right of action.

The Federal Trade Commission's job then might be more aligned to this present way of doing things here in this report. Taking advice from outside attorneys who wish to use the government to manipulate laws making more lawsuits possible and continued higher awards, which is where the Federal Trade Commission in this rule-making endeavor is taking us now. Think about it.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

An Introduction To Viral Marketing

Writen by Silke Stahl

Viral Marketing is the hot topic at the moment, but many don't really understand what the term means. As this is an internet based business, and therefore Internet Marketing, we need to look at it in internet terms.

You know when someone sends you a joke on email and it's a good one you want to pass it on. From your mailbox you open your list of friends names and post the joke on to everyone you know, or everyone on your "joke list", a list of people you pass jokes on to.

Next time you do this, have a scroll down the email to see the list of people it has come from at the head of each mailing. Each person who sent the joke on will have sent it to everyone on their "joke list". You'll see quite a few names you'll recognize, some of who will be on your own list.

This is "Viral" – the joke has been passed on like a virus – from person to person. Everyone they come in contact with has passed it on to everyone else they know.

The trick with viral marketing is to duplicate that process with your products and the business opportunity itself – pass your store's website URL on to everyone who cleans their house or takes nutritional supplements, or who might, and get them to do the same with everyone they know.

Also, a lot of people who start using the products are going to want to get the products at wholesale. So they want their own store. So they sign up under you! And you get the commission not only on what they buy, but on anything people they know buy from them, and for anyone who signs up under them, who will be in your second line!

So, just as you send a joke you get to your "joke list", you need to get the biz opp to anyone who has a biz opp list. Congratulations, you have just been introduced to Listbuilding!

Marketing tools

Why use marketing tools? A lot of people on the Net aren't looking to join a program, they are already in one. It doesn't matter that ours is better than theirs, if they never look at the opp and consider it, they ain't gonna signup.

What we can give them however is a way to market what they are already selling. So we offer them our marketing tools. In doing so, they join our downline for that program, and so does anyone else they sign up. This gives us marketing methods to get our biz opp out to people who DO want to see it!


Remember the analogy earlier about the joke list? What you have there is a list of people you send jokes to. How did you build that list? Your list of friends who you send jokes to. How did you get on the list of someone else, the person who sent you the joke?

What you need to build for your biz opp is what is known as an "opt in" list. This is a list of people who have chosen to join your list to receive information from you.

Building a list is vital for many reasons.

SPAM is the first and foremost – it is illegal to send spam – unsolicited email to people who haven't asked for it and didn't want it. Junk mail.

Despite the legal ramifications, look at the basic logic. Why send your biz opp to someone who doesn't want to see it? Why send a letter to someone who will just bin it without even opening it? Why send an email with a link to your site if the person receiving it doesn't want to know so won't even go look at it?

You may have the best biz in the world and sell the hottest products but if you can't get people to it, you aren't going to make a sale!

So we use listbuilding tools so that you have people to send your biz opp to! These are known as VLBs – Viral List Builders.

And a great way to advertise your VLB is on a Traffic Exchange program – a TE, Surf Exchange, Surf 4 Hits, etc. (What's in a name?)

Once you have a list of people who opted in to hear from you, and you have made initial contact and built up a relationship, then you can show them a biz opp that works for you, and then help them build their own business.
Congratulations - you've just become a mentor!



Silke Stahl is an International Internet Marketer and Home Business Entrepreneur.

Visit her website at: http://www.SilkeStahl.com

and her forum at: http://thestork.proboards20.com

Why A Business Coach

Writen by Lesley Moore

Why would an intelligent, hard-working, executive need a Coach? Unless you are in business for yourself, isn't that what your superiors are for? It would seem logical to assume that everyone in the corporate world has someone to report to, hence replacing the need for a Coach. What many find, though, is that the bigger the company, the bigger the challenges and the less time he/she may have for you.

So how do you know if you could benefit from having a Coach? You work hard and you are successful, yet deep inside you feel you could be challenging yourself even more. Unsure of how to get to the next level, you continue setting goals, but find that most days ultimately end the same as the day before. With a Business/Executive Coach, you would have the opportunity to bridge the gap between expectation and performance, so you don't find yourself constantly creating new goals, yet ending with the same results.

What you know and what you have done to be successful thus far, only goes as far as your own horizons, but with a Coach you can:
 Learn to work harder, but with less stress.
 Redefine what's really important.
 Create the passion to overcome challenges.
 Refine and build upon your existing skills and talents.

A Coach will focus on the strengths that already exist within you and help you to reach your full potential. A potential that you didn't know existed.
Are you ready to:
 Manage more effectively?
 Increase profitability?
 Organize time more efficiently?
 Project confidence?
 Redesign an existing career or jump into an entirely new one?

Then I would say what are you waiting for? It sounds like a Coach is just what your career could use right now!

Lesley Moore is President and Owner of LifeScope, Life and Executive Coaching. She specializes in working with individuals in transition, empowering them to create a life they love and with professionals to help them bridge the gap between expectation and performance. She is also a Personal Fitness Trainer and a Freelance Writer. Lesley graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in Journalism and has studied coaching through the Mentor Coach Program, which is recognized by the International Coach Federation. For more information about Life and Executive Coaching, visit her website at http://www.LifeScopeCoach.com or e-mail her at lessmore4@comcast.net.

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

A Retirement Job A Great Way To Stretch Your Retirement Savings

Writen by John V. W. Howe

As a part of your retirement planning, have you thought about a retirement job?

Continued income from a post retirement job can have a very substantial positive impact on your retirement finances.

Let's do a fast calculation and see the impact of an after retirement job on your retirement finances. Let's calculate the amount of investment that you need to generate a monthly income of $1,000 per month.

To do this we need to make a few assumptions. Assume the income generation rate of your investments is five percent (5%). Let's assume that we are not going to take any principle from your investments to do this. This will leave the principle intact for use later after you have stopped working in your retirement job.

The calculation is how much principle is needed to generate $12,000 per year ($1,000 per month). The formula is principle divided by the income interest rate ($12,000/.05 = $240,000). I think you will agree that is a large amount necessary to generate $1,000 of income per month.

However, a thousand dollars per month is not too large an amount to expect to make in a retirement job and just look at the impact that it has on preserving your retirement investment.

Three retirement calculators on the Net that include income from work after retirement in the calculations are the AARP Calculator, the Employee Benefit Research Institute Calculator, and the MSN Calculator. The MSN calculator is especially easy to use and is very visual so you can see the results as you change the variables.

These calculators have a weakness since they ask for the amount of annual income from a job after retirement, but they do not ask for the age when that income will stop. They assume the income will continue until death which may not be accurate. We are all living longer, but most of us will not be working at age 90.

These three retirement calculators are the more realistic calculators on the Net. They help us calculate how much money we will need to retire. However, they do not help us manage our retirement funds after we retire.

Once we retire, the variables involved in calculating retirement finances are greatly reduced. Unless Aunt Bess leaves you an unexpected inheritance in her will, you know what your retirement savings are that have to last your lifetime.

Unless inflation runs away during our retirement, the major variables we have to consider are how much we budget to spend each year, the amount we make from our retirement job, and how long we choose to work at that retirement job.

A retirement calculator that will help you plan your after retirement finances can be found at the Retirement Jobs Online website (http://www.retirement-jobs-online.com). This calculator will help you determine how long your retirement savings will last under various different situations.

As part of your retirement plan, you can use the Internet and work from home on your own schedule to generate the income that will extend your retirement savings. Use the calculators mentioned above to see the real impact income from a retirement job can make on your retirement finances.

Thousands of people are using the Internet to make a full time living. Why not use it for retirement work and make some money to boot? This will be a nice supplement to your retirement income from your investments and Social Security. And you can have some fun in the process.

I wish you a great and productive retirement.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has been involved in entrepreneurial activities for over 40 years. He founded http://www.boomer-ezine.com and http://www.retirement-jobs-online.com to help Boomers (baby boomers) become entrepreneurs when they retire.