What is a web site? A web site is a associated collection of web pages on the world wide web, consisting of files that are organised into a hierarchy. Each file/document can consist of a combination of graphics, text, audio video and other dynamic or static material. A website is most commonly used as a communication medium between a business and client or business and business. They can usually be accessed by using a search engine or typing in the web site address or domain name into an internet browser.
56% of businesses surveyed identified that they had already recovered their investment in e-business, with 22% of businesses that have recovered their investment achieving a greater than 50 percent return on that investment.
In July 2003 some 49% of all small to medium enterprises indicated a potential to use e-commerce to sell their products.
What are the benefits? A website is a dynamic and cost effective way to reach new and existing customers, on a local, national or global scale.
A carefully constructed website, like those developed by Able Net Design, can attract the right users and may thus establish the following benefits.
- Visual Display - Showcase of products services to likely customers
- Sales - Bring forth additional recenue and greater awareness
- Information - Supply further information to new and existing customers
- Ehanced service - By providing a further contact method for customers
32% of all small businesses and 63% of medium businesses surveyed, use the internet for receiving payment.
45% of small and 64% of medium businesses surveyed use the internet to make purchases.
44% of small and 84% of medium businesses surveyed have a web site.
82% of small to medium enterprises surveyed who are connected to the internet search for information regularly.
93% of internet-connected small to medium enterprises surveyed use email as a form of communication.
81% of small and 98% of medium businesses surveyed are connected to the internet.
Source: 2003 Yellow Pages ® Business Index - Special Reports July 2003 |