วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Machinery Vibration Warning Lights

Writen by Lance Winslow

Machinery preventative maintenance is paramount in today's factory. A machine going down can be catastrophic to the assembly line and many times specialized parts are not even available. Often such catastrophic failure or damage to a piece of machinery can be avoided thru early warning detection of the problem. Sometimes sensors do no pick up every problem or fail. We always hear about faulty lights in airliners when the aircraft has to return only to find out that a light was out. In machinery some warning lights go on, if their light goes out and others show nothing and then when there is a problem no light?

Most machinery give off tell tale signs premature of the failure whether or not a light is warning available or not. A really good mechanic, ship engine room technician or factory maintenance expert can tell when things are not running right, but not all. I propose a vibrational warning system, either with an automatic shut off or a light, which shines into the operations room like a beam from a pin-light night vision pointer or construction high tech surveying level. This can be done by shining the beam onto a mirror connected to the warning light, which is bolted to the base of the machine. By early detection we can prevent a bad mounting bolt, or internal problem causing a vibration from destroying bearings, internal or exterior parts by an automatic shut down and/or a warning light alerting the team that there is a major problem.

Machinery of this type is much to expensive to risk to a faulty switch or power problem so the warning light should be lighted using electromagnetic induction technology to charge a capacitor instead of the lights working off a battery or power source.

Currently there are some nifty micro-flashlights being used which you can buy which use a similar technique and are available thanks to the Everlite Flashlight technology research lab. These smaller flashlights work by shaking them for about thirty seconds and shine for about 6 minutes and they shine quite bright since they use a very bright LED light. Here is a link to this home use flashlight:



Such vibrational warning lights can be used to monitor from long distances, whether the equipment be a short or long distance from view. Additionally these warnings systems have hundreds of application for portable system where mainstream power grid energy is not available. Think on it.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
